Well i've bought a cheap prime lens from eBay its for my canon and its a pretty cheap lens as new so it only cost me around £50, i borrowed one from a friend and was really surprised how good the Little feller was. Focusing was super quick and it was a lovely lens to work with in low light situations as it has a really low F stop of around 1. something compared to that of my stock lens which is 3.5 i think. It's a 50mm so quite close but if your not needing a zoom lens then its a great lens and will do a great job at portraits too. The hardest thing to get familiar with is the fact that there is no zoom ring so you phsyically need to move forwards and backwards.
Hopefully i can get some pictures and post them up
Monday, 13 February 2012
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Temple Run Online
Temple Run is a brand new app / game that is available for the iPhone & iPad range of products. its due to hit the Android marketplace within days and set to be just as bigger hit there as it is over on iTunes.
You can even play Temple Run Online which is great new for people that don't have any access to things like smart phones or tablets to play the game.
It could just be the game to knock Angry Birds from its perch, ok Angry Birds will still be huge for ages yet but no game seems to have come close so far, so fingers crossed for Temple Run
You can even play Temple Run Online which is great new for people that don't have any access to things like smart phones or tablets to play the game.
It could just be the game to knock Angry Birds from its perch, ok Angry Birds will still be huge for ages yet but no game seems to have come close so far, so fingers crossed for Temple Run
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